Relocation & Residence

Assisting clients with their relocation objective

Relocating to Gibraltar carries with it tax planning as well as quality of life advantages. Such a change has administrative, professional and practical angles and we are well qualified and experienced to advise in all. The administrative angle refers to the acquisition of residence and permit requests from the Gibraltar authorities. At a professional level, relocation might entail the recognition of professional qualifications, the inclusion in the relevant professional registers and the request for licences from the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission. Practical considerations would include housing, banking, school arrangements and such like.

Advising on getting authorised accommodation

Residing in Gibraltar and benefiting from a special tax regime is dependent on the approval of the client's chosen accommodation by the Finance Centre Director. Of course, it is entirely possible to move in Gibraltar at any point in time, but the new address has to be submitted to the Finance Centre Director and the Category 2 certificate will be amended accordingly once the new address be approved. It is also possible to purchase accommodation off-plan for future change of address but, once again, this has to be pre-approved.

Providing proper tax advice

A core part of the package we offer clients seeking to resettle in Gibraltar includes tax advice. This does not only include advice on liability and compliance, but also  tax optimization and the creation, management and administration of tax efficient structures. Advice is never generic. It is tailored to each and every client on his or her merits and is dependent on the personal circumstances and life objectives.