Art Law, Business
of Art & NFT's

Law and regulations protect all artistic creations that express an author's creativity.

The Global Art Market

The art market has become globalised. It is crucial to organise, secure and formalise the relationships with artists, gallery owners, art dealers, clients and other parties involved.

Contracts to Ensure Clarity

The contract is not an end in itself, it is a means to ensure clarity, legal and economic security and duration between the parties and third parties to an artwork transaction.

Art Expertise

The firms expertise is aimed at the art world, including artists, galleries, museums, private collectors and various agents.

About Non-Fungible Token

Blockchain technology and Non-Fongible Tokens (NFT) enable creators of digital art or collectibles to directly monetise their creations by selling them to consumers who support their art. The artists will be able to organise through a smart contract stored on the blockchain the collection of royalties that will enable these original creators to automatically receive a percentage of sales each time their work is sold to a new owner.

Gibraltar's Regulations allow entities to issue a NFT collection through a registration process as a Virtual Asset Service Provider with the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission.