Company & Commercial Law

The firm assists in the setup, redomiciliation to Gibraltar and operation of Gibraltar companies. It will also advise on common law and civil law contractual matters

Redomiciliation of companies

Redomiciliation is a very cost effective and practical procedure to transfer assets  or the control of assets to Gibraltar. The corporate entity retains its corporate identity and is then governed by Gibraltar law.

Because of Gibraltar's lack of VAT, absence of capital gain taxes and low corporation tax of 12.5%, a redomiciliation decision is a real alternative to  investors seeking value.


Our firm is well positioned  in assisting multinationals and start-ups on corporate, administrative and internal matters including for example the drafting of compliance manuals for regulatory purposes.

We also advise and draft all types contractual documents.

Our knowledge and experience in civil law contractual and commercial matters may assist, as relevant, in a negotiating and drafting process.